Paint by numbers kits include more than just colors. Continue reading to learn about the differentpainting parts forpaint by number kits .
Paint by numbers is one of thetop 100 hobbies of all time. It’s enjoyed by children, burgeoning artists, and seasoned professionals alike. It seems deceptively easy, which is probably why it has continued to be a favorite pastime over the decades.
The nice thing aboutpaint by number kits is that they include everything you need tocomplete your masterpiece . You’ll very rarely find yourself running out of colors when working on apaint by numbers piece.
Paint by numbers kits may vary, but there are three basic components that you’ll find in virtually all kits. Let’s go over each component briefly.
Eachpre-printed canvas is divided into small sections. Each area is marked with a marker that matches a specific color.
Typically,paint by numbers canvas sizes are all 16 x 20 inches. There are also small ones that measure 9 x12 inches, while medium canvases are about 12 x 16 inches.
Somenumbers kits may come with two or more canvases, each in a different size. It’s a fun way tospruce up your home decor .
Acrylic paints are known for their ability to create rich,vibrant paintings . They’re water-soluble, so they can be diluted easily with water.
Their one downside is that theydry extremely quickly. This is both good and bad, depending on how you look at it.
The good news is that quick-drying paint means you can take less time to finish your painting. It also means you can correct mistakes quickly.
The bad news is that it makes certainpainting techniques difficult .Blending is one example where you have to move quickly to achieve the desired result.
Eachpaint by numbers kit comes with its own paintbrush. It’s usually small-sized to help you manage smaller sections.
Some kits come with three different sized brushes. You can use them to add different effects like crispness and softness to your painting, depending on the look you’re trying to achieve.
In addition to the canvas, paint, and brushes,paint by numbers kits may include a picture of the finished painting , an A3 paper chart just in case you miss a number, and a color map.
Try the followingtips and tricks to make the most of your paint by numbers masterpiece.
Having aframe means your canvas is pulled tight. This makes it easier to add colors. Another big advantage is that a frame highlights your artwork. Itgives the painting poise and a sense of balance.
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To iron your canvas, place a tea towel over the canvas. Then, put the iron on low heat and start ironing. Start from one side and work slowly to cover the entire surface. You can iron it either on the front of the canvas or the back.
[amazon box="B00JPCWDJU"]
Above all else, being in a room with natural light lifts your mood. With the help of natural lighting, your brain releasesfeel-good hormones such as serotonin.
Addpaint and fun colors, and you’ve got the right prescription for combatting depression and anxiety.
Then, get a cup of water to rinse out brushes as you’re coloring. Note that getting wetting thebrush will help blend theacrylic paints so they can go more smoothly.
Lastly, you’ll need some paper towels or a cotton towel to wipe up splashes and to wipe your brushes.
[amazon box="B07MHJFRBJ"]
This will be your reference guide once you’ve started adding colors. It can also help you zoom in on tiny sections to see the numbers properly.
A simple tip is to use white-out or a whitecolored pencil . Use either one to effectively hide the number before you beginpainting any area with light colors .
[amazon box="B08TZSHB2F"]
Paint boxes should also be taken care of. The bestway to prevent your paints from drying up is to firmly close each one when you’re done using them.
Also, it goes without saying, but if you’re not working with certain colors, it’s best to keep them closed. This way, when their turn comes, they’ll still be manageable and good as new.
[amazon box="B01MG2BJF0"]
This is by no means a hard and fast rule. Some people like starting with the background, others color in descending order. Then, some start with all the darker colors first before moving on to the lighter ones. The best thing to do is to try each technique, and see which one works for you.
A few examples ofpaint by numbers techniques you can use include:
To get the full thrill and enjoyment of the process, try to take your time. Focus on each of the parts that go into making a stunning and elegant work of art.
By beingpresent in the moment , you’ll feel calmer and more relaxed. You’ll also enjoy the experience a whole lot more. This way, you can be proud of all the effort you put in to create such aperfect painting .
The best thing about it is that it comes with all thepainting parts you need to complete your art project. So, what are you waiting for? Invest in apaint by numbers kit and unleash your inner artist .
To view a complete gallery of our paint by numbers kits,CLICK HERE !
Paint by numbers is one of thetop 100 hobbies of all time. It’s enjoyed by children, burgeoning artists, and seasoned professionals alike. It seems deceptively easy, which is probably why it has continued to be a favorite pastime over the decades.
The nice thing aboutpaint by number kits is that they include everything you need tocomplete your masterpiece . You’ll very rarely find yourself running out of colors when working on apaint by numbers piece.
Basic Painting Parts Paint by Number Kits

Pre-Printed Canvas
[amazon box="B087LY7S1F"]Eachpre-printed canvas is divided into small sections. Each area is marked with a marker that matches a specific color.
Typically,paint by numbers canvas sizes are all 16 x 20 inches. There are also small ones that measure 9 x12 inches, while medium canvases are about 12 x 16 inches.
Somenumbers kits may come with two or more canvases, each in a different size. It’s a fun way tospruce up your home decor .
Acrylic Paints
[amazon box="B09GD8LY54"]Acrylic paints are known for their ability to create rich,vibrant paintings . They’re water-soluble, so they can be diluted easily with water.
Their one downside is that theydry extremely quickly. This is both good and bad, depending on how you look at it.
The good news is that quick-drying paint means you can take less time to finish your painting. It also means you can correct mistakes quickly.
The bad news is that it makes certainpainting techniques difficult .Blending is one example where you have to move quickly to achieve the desired result.
[amazon box="B07ZMJKMWQ"]Eachpaint by numbers kit comes with its own paintbrush. It’s usually small-sized to help you manage smaller sections.
Some kits come with three different sized brushes. You can use them to add different effects like crispness and softness to your painting, depending on the look you’re trying to achieve.
In addition to the canvas, paint, and brushes,paint by numbers kits may include a picture of the finished painting , an A3 paper chart just in case you miss a number, and a color map.
Painting Parts Paint by Number Tips and Tricks

1. Painting Parts Paint by Number - Get a Kit with a Frame
Almost every singlepiece of beautiful artwork is framed. So, why shouldn't yours?Having aframe means your canvas is pulled tight. This makes it easier to add colors. Another big advantage is that a frame highlights your artwork. Itgives the painting poise and a sense of balance.
[amazon box="B07Z8B74TR"]
2. Iron Your Canvas
Ironing the canvas helps colors stick smoothly. Plus, there are no wrinkles or creases that may hide anumber or ruin the overall aesthetic of your painting .To iron your canvas, place a tea towel over the canvas. Then, put the iron on low heat and start ironing. Start from one side and work slowly to cover the entire surface. You can iron it either on the front of the canvas or the back.
[amazon box="B00JPCWDJU"]
3. Find a Well-Lit Room to Work
Working in a well-lit area helps preserve your eyesight and reduce eye strain. It also allows you to see thenumbers and the colors better.Above all else, being in a room with natural light lifts your mood. With the help of natural lighting, your brain releasesfeel-good hormones such as serotonin.
Addpaint and fun colors, and you’ve got the right prescription for combatting depression and anxiety.
4. Get Your Workspace Ready
Before you get started, cover your workspace with old newspapers to preventpaint from sticking to surfaces where it shouldn’t stick. The next step is to set up your supplies.Then, get a cup of water to rinse out brushes as you’re coloring. Note that getting wetting thebrush will help blend theacrylic paints so they can go more smoothly.
Lastly, you’ll need some paper towels or a cotton towel to wipe up splashes and to wipe your brushes.
[amazon box="B07MHJFRBJ"]
5. Take a Picture of Your Canvas
Technology comes to our rescue once again. Before you begin painting, take apicture of your canvas with your phone.This will be your reference guide once you’ve started adding colors. It can also help you zoom in on tiny sections to see the numbers properly.
6. Hide the Numbers
You don’t have to lather on layer after layer ofpaint to cover the numbers . Sometimes even thicklayers of paint won’t cover them all the way through, especially if you’re using a lighter color.A simple tip is to use white-out or a whitecolored pencil . Use either one to effectively hide the number before you beginpainting any area with light colors .
[amazon box="B08TZSHB2F"]
7. Painting Parts Paint by Number - Take Care of Your Paint and Brushes
Every artist knows the value of taking care of their supplies.Paintbrushes should becleaned each time you switch colors. They should also be washed with warm water and soap when you’re done for the day.Paint boxes should also be taken care of. The bestway to prevent your paints from drying up is to firmly close each one when you’re done using them.
Also, it goes without saying, but if you’re not working with certain colors, it’s best to keep them closed. This way, when their turn comes, they’ll still be manageable and good as new.
[amazon box="B01MG2BJF0"]
8. Start from the Top
Starting from thetop of the painting reduces the risk of smudges. It’s also a more methodized way of finishing your painting.This is by no means a hard and fast rule. Some people like starting with the background, others color in descending order. Then, some start with all the darker colors first before moving on to the lighter ones. The best thing to do is to try each technique, and see which one works for you.
9. Add Some Artistic Touches
While the picture printed on the canvas may be generic, your artistic touches certainly aren’t. There are a few basicpainting techniques you can apply to make your painting unique.A few examples ofpaint by numbers techniques you can use include:
- Thin Layering: Paint in thin layers to preserve the texture of the canvas.
- Blending: Gently mesh two or more colors to create a subtle shift or to soften lines.
- Streaking: Add soft fine lines of a light shade over a darker one to show texture.
- Highlighting: Apply light color to section borders to enhance their appearance.
- Varnishing: Brush a Gloss Medium over the finished painting to protect and enrich it.
10. Painting Parts Paint by Number - Enjoy the Process
Paint by numbers shouldn’t be done quickly. It shouldn’t feel like a burden or chore that you have to rush through.To get the full thrill and enjoyment of the process, try to take your time. Focus on each of the parts that go into making a stunning and elegant work of art.
By beingpresent in the moment , you’ll feel calmer and more relaxed. You’ll also enjoy the experience a whole lot more. This way, you can be proud of all the effort you put in to create such aperfect painting .
Painting Parts Paint by Number - A Final Note
Painting by numbers can be a lot of fun. It’s a hobby that teaches discipline and patience, and it can improve yourcognitive abilities. Plus, you get to hang your masterpiece on the wall when you're done!The best thing about it is that it comes with all thepainting parts you need to complete your art project. So, what are you waiting for? Invest in apaint by numbers kit and unleash your inner artist .
To view a complete gallery of our paint by numbers kits,CLICK HERE !