can you mix oil and acrylic paint

Can You Mix Oil and Acrylic Paint In Paint by Numbers Kit?

Today, we will answer questions such as, can you mix oil and acrylic paint in your paint by numbers kit?
Painting can be a great way to spend your free time orrelease some tension . If you still don’t know how to begin, a paint by numbers kit is a brilliant start.

It’s amazing how easy you can create a masterpiece by following some simple rules. And what might’ve started as a hobby can go on to be your passion. Who knows?

However, mixingpaint types and techniques for your paint by numbers kit can get a little confusing. Here are five creative ideas to get you started.

Can You Mix Oil and Acrylic Paint? The Most Popular Paint Types for Artists

Before you get into mixing and matching thepaint for a unique work of art , you should know the different types of paint.

Acrylic paint

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This is a quick-drying water-based paint. It’s smooth and light like watercolors.Acrylic paints have strong pigments. They can be applied to many surfaces as they’re highly durable.


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These work by staining the colored surface with a translucent pigment. They’re not rich with pigment like other paints, but they have an unmatched fluidity. They also dry pretty quickly.

Oil colors

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These oil-based colors have a marvelous glossy finish. They take longer to dry than water-based colors, but they have a long-lasting effect and shine.


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This water-solublepaint has a pasty consistency. It’s excellent for completely covering surfaces since it’s opaque. It dries into a little darker than its starting shade. It also takes a longer duration to dry than other water-based colors. Therefore, it can be used for several hours or days.


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This is a versatile wax-based paint with a rich pigment. It’s highly durable and doesn’t let any moisture in.

Can You Use Water-Based and Oil-Based Paints in One Painting?

Mixing different paint types depends on various factors like their consistencies and drying time. Normally, oil-based paints and water-based paints are not used together, especially not mixed in the same palette.

Watercolors and gouache don’t dry into a sturdy film. Therefore, they’re not fit for use withoil paints .

Although acrylics are water-soluble too, they can be used with oil-based paints. However, if youchoose to use acrylics with oils, there’s a trick for the best outcome.

You should alwayspaint with acrylics first. Then, after they’ve completely dried, you can go ahead andpaint with your oil colors. Never use theacrylics on top of the oil colors.

5 Ideas for Mixing Your Paints. Can You Mix Oil and Acrylic Paint?

If you have different types of paint and want to mix them, first think about how you want yourpainting to turn out. Then, select a combination that will perfectly deliver the finish you’re looking for. Here are some ideas that you cantry on your paint by numbers kit .

1. Acrylics Based Underpainting for Oils

If you’re new to usingoil paints , this approach can help you develop your skills quickly. Starting yourpainting with oil colors can be intimidating.

Instead, you can start bypainting thin layers of acrylics on yourpainting . After they dry, you can finish off by applying an oilpaint layer on top.
Acrylic underpainting can set the tone to your foundation and provide an underglaze for your oil paint. Bypainting thin layers of acrylic and topping them off with oil, you offer further protection for your canvas from the oil.

Another advantage to thisacrylic underpainting is that it decreases the drying time drastically. So, your oilpainting can dry in a couple of hours and not several days.

As your skill-set grows, you might even leave the acrylics for the larger spaces only and fill in the exquisite details with oilcolors , which brings us to the next idea.

2. Acrylics and Oils Combo - Can You Mix Oil and Acrylic Paint?

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Similar to the last approach, instead of layering acrylic with oil, you canpaint some numbers in your kit with acrylic paint only. Wait until they’ve completely dried. Wash yourbrushes off the excess paint . Then, go ahead and fill in the rest of thenumbers with oil colors .

You should work in a descending sequence, meaning you should fill the larger areas first. Then, enhance yourpainting by filling in the small details. This could help you work on yourbrush techniques .

Can you mix oil andacrylic paint ? Although you should never mix these twopaint types in a palette , you can use them alongside in one painting.

If you mix the water-basedacrylic with oil paint , you might not see a problem. They might look as if they’re perfectly mixed. However, years later, the colors will breakdown and ruin yourcanvas .

3. Creating New Colors - Can You Mix Watercolor and Acrylic Paint?

These two water-based paints can work wonders when used together. If you want a range of colors that doesn’t end, you should apply this idea right away.

Mixing white acrylic paint with any color in your watercolor set can give you not onlynew color shades but also beautiful pastel tones that you might not have in your palette.

You can also mix any acrylic color with watercolors, not just white! You can get creative here with the tones you mix and match.

A touch of acrylic to your watercolors can give them that vivid look that they need.

All youneed to do is adjust the ratio of the acrylic paint to watercolors and start mixing. If the colors are a little faint, you can cover thenumbers on your canvas with a white pencil first. You can also add more acrylic to enhance the pigment.

4. Acrylic on Top of Watercolor Background

If you want tocreate dimensional paintings , you can achieve the best results easily with this method.

By applying a light layer of watercolors on thelarge spaces of your canvas , you create an illusion of a more fluid and harmonious background.

Then, you canpaint the exquisite scenes and details with acrylic paint. This will make them pop and give your art piece a vibrant effect.

5. Mix Watercolors and Gouache

The main difference between these two water-based colors is that gouache colors are opaque while watercolors are translucent.

For the best results, you should use watercolors first and then gouache. Applying a primary layer of watercolors will give yourpainting a lively glow. You canuse watercolors for the underpainting of the whole piece or merely for wider areas and landscapes.

Then comes the gouache’s turn. You can use the gouache on top of the watercolors or restrict it to the smaller areas only to givedepth to the painting .

Another idea is to mix the watercolors with the opaque gouache to get a pastel-like hue. Be careful when you’re mixing the ratios. You want a balanced piece that’s more captivating.

Wrap Up - Can You Mix Oil and Acrylic Paint?

Paint by numbers is a lot of fun. It’s an easy way to develop yourart skills and explore different techniques . I hope we have helped answer the question, can you mix oil andacrylic paints ?

We’ve covered some simple ideas and tips for you to try for your next kit. Don’t be afraid totry new paints and maybe make some mistakes, as long as you’re learning.

Remember to be careful with the ratios when you’re mixing different paint types. Make sure that the consistencies match too.

By combining the simplicity of thepaint by number kits and the versatility of colors , you can grow your hobby with outstanding flare.

For a complete view of all of our paint by numbers kits,CLICK HERE !
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