After your daily 9 to 5, nothing can help you unwind better than honing your artistic skills. To do that, a lot ofadults pursue painting by numbers as a way to add some color to a monochromatic day. Let's find out how to fixpaint by numbers mistakes from the source.
Even though this hobby is almost mistake-free, doing it with divided attention might result in a few hiccups. This is why we’re interviewing an artist to inform you on how tofix paint by numbers mistakes.
Let’s get started, shall we?
A: The most recurring mistake that people tend to make is filling an area with the wrong color. It actually makes sense to be so common. This can easily happen if you’re watching your favorite show at the same time, or better yet, talking to someone over the phone.
Also, some people tend to use too muchpaint when painting each section of their canvas . This naturally leads to over saturation, which causes smudging. As a perfectionist myself, it can be hard to deal with the aftermath of that!
Another troublesome issue that some might face is spillingpaint over the canvas . It usually happens when you’re not paying enough attention to your surroundings. In addition, it may be a cause of multitasking.
There’s also a reason why some people don’t get tofinish their artwork . It’s that they might get bored because the whole process takes so long. Luckily, there are so many ways to keep these scenarios from happening.
A: The first thing you can do is to make sure you have the proper setting. This means cleaning your workplace and keeping all the distractions away.
Also, it’s important that you cover your table or counter top with old newspapers or any other protective covering. This should keep you from worrying about stains and splashes and help you focus more on your art.
Another useful tip that I think you’d appreciate is to buy aframed canvas . See, if the canvas is pulled tight, it’ll be less likely to crease while you’re painting.
Therefore, this helps prevent the formation of smudges and overly wet spots of color.
If you face this issue, I suggest that you follow a few simple rules to keep this from happening.
First, it may be better if you start from the top. It should keep you from smudging yourpainting as you go and help you watch your art as it unfolds.
Right-handed people should start from the top left corner, while I advise lefties to begin with the top right one.
Second of all, it may do you good to paint the background first. It usually takes the most space out of the canvas, so you’ll feel like you’re halfway done.
Not to mention that finishing the backgroundcolor first leaves you with a clear outline of the rest of the painting . Therefore, it should encourage you to keep going and make your work much easier.
First, you’ll just have to wait until thepaint dries out completely . Then, with a few brush strokes, apply a layer of the correct color over the spot.
If this thin layer allows you to see the color beneath, you can try applying more layers. Just remember to let the paint dry before each one.
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This causes wet spots on the surface, which you can easily smudge with your hand or arm. Of course, this isn’t an option, especially if you’ve worked on a piece for hours.
The best way to avoid this is to not overdo it. Apply yourcolors with fast brush strokes after making sure that your brush isn’t overwhelmed with a fat drop of paint .
A: Yes, that’s definitely an issue. Some beginners can find themselves facing the problem oftwo or more colors blending together . This can happen if you’re not being careful enough.
Colors usually bleed into each other if you find yourself in one of two scenarios.
The first one is when youcolor two adjacent sections before you wait for the paint to dry. Since both colors are still wet, they’ll quickly mix together and seep into both sections.
The second scenario is when you’re using a brush without washing it thoroughly in water. This means that it has traces of another color, which canmix with the one you’re painting with and give you a third hue.
Therefore, make sure that you always use clean brushes to avoid this issue.
Yet, sometimes that might not be easy if yourbrush is clogged with paint . If you’re asking what’s the best way to solve this problem, I’d be glad to oblige.
Simply enough, take your clogged brush and dip it in a jar of nail polish thinner. Even if thepaint is dry on the brush, this quirky tip should do the trick.
[amazon box="B004F82HB8"]
This is because the colors that we use to dopaint by numbers are acrylic . Thus, they have athick texture that’s hard to apply without adding some water.
Buthow much water should you add in order to get a perfect consistency?
As a beginner, it might be tricky to determine this, but I’ll help you out. First of all, it’s important that you add water in the shape of drops and don’t pour it right in.
You can use an empty eye drop container for this purpose.
Begin with adding one or two drops of water before testing your paint. After that, use yourbrush to mix the water into the paint until you get a consistent texture.
Then, dip your brush in and hold it before your eyes to see how thepaint drips down from the brush.
If it takes too long to leave the hair of the brush, then you may want to add more water to the paint. If it drops too fast, then the color is too watery.
Of course, with more practice and experience, you should be able to get this step just right.
A: Sometimes, we forget to cover the paint containers, which exposes it to air and leaves it dry. For this reason, make sure you close the lid when you’re done with one of the colors.
In fact, it’ll save you a lot of trouble if you accidentally knock the container over. Imagine doing your best to avoid smudges only to face the issue of spillingpaint over your art . Not cool.
Still, what if the colors actually dry out?
It’squite simple to fix this . All you’ll have to do is add a few droplets ofwater to the dry paint until it goes back to its liquid form. In addition, you can use alcohol for this purpose.
Again, don’t forget to follow my previous tip and pay attention not to add too much of either.
However, our artist has one final tip for you. As much as we appreciate all the pieces of advice that we’ve discussed with them throughout our article, this one can be the most important.
Before you worry about making mistakes or fixing them, just remember to have fun. Tocreate awesome art , all you have to do is put your heart and soul into it and stop stressing out.
After all, every problem can be solved and now you know how to fixpaint by numbers mistakes!
Even though this hobby is almost mistake-free, doing it with divided attention might result in a few hiccups. This is why we’re interviewing an artist to inform you on how tofix paint by numbers mistakes.
Let’s get started, shall we?
Q: Before we begin asking questions about the best ways to fix those errors, we’d like to know what sort of mistakes usually occur while painting by numbers.
[amazon box="B07YT18FJW"]A: The most recurring mistake that people tend to make is filling an area with the wrong color. It actually makes sense to be so common. This can easily happen if you’re watching your favorite show at the same time, or better yet, talking to someone over the phone.
Also, some people tend to use too muchpaint when painting each section of their canvas . This naturally leads to over saturation, which causes smudging. As a perfectionist myself, it can be hard to deal with the aftermath of that!
Another troublesome issue that some might face is spillingpaint over the canvas . It usually happens when you’re not paying enough attention to your surroundings. In addition, it may be a cause of multitasking.
There’s also a reason why some people don’t get tofinish their artwork . It’s that they might get bored because the whole process takes so long. Luckily, there are so many ways to keep these scenarios from happening.
Q: Steering clear of potential mistakes usually begins with the right preparation. How do you suggest we do this?
[amazon box="B075MYDBMN"]A: The first thing you can do is to make sure you have the proper setting. This means cleaning your workplace and keeping all the distractions away.
Also, it’s important that you cover your table or counter top with old newspapers or any other protective covering. This should keep you from worrying about stains and splashes and help you focus more on your art.
Another useful tip that I think you’d appreciate is to buy aframed canvas . See, if the canvas is pulled tight, it’ll be less likely to crease while you’re painting.
Therefore, this helps prevent the formation of smudges and overly wet spots of color.
Q: Now that everything is set up properly, the fun begins! But where do we start?
A: While some individuals have a natural ability to organize their workflow, others don’t. Those usually end up neglecting their artwork because they can’t seem to finish it.If you face this issue, I suggest that you follow a few simple rules to keep this from happening.
First, it may be better if you start from the top. It should keep you from smudging yourpainting as you go and help you watch your art as it unfolds.
Right-handed people should start from the top left corner, while I advise lefties to begin with the top right one.
Second of all, it may do you good to paint the background first. It usually takes the most space out of the canvas, so you’ll feel like you’re halfway done.
Not to mention that finishing the backgroundcolor first leaves you with a clear outline of the rest of the painting . Therefore, it should encourage you to keep going and make your work much easier.
Q: Let’s talk about one of the most annoying scenarios that can happen with almost anyone who does paint by numbers. What to do if you fill in a number with the wrong color?
A: If you face this issue, there’s no reason to panic. In fact, painters tend to do this all the time, even the most experienced ones. They all have a simple technique to solve this problem.
If this thin layer allows you to see the color beneath, you can try applying more layers. Just remember to let the paint dry before each one.
[amazon box="B07ZMJKMWQ"]
Q: Any tips on avoiding smudging?
A: In my expertise, the main reason whycolors smudge is that the canvas doesn’t absorb the paint fully. See, using a huge amount ofpaint on a section of the canvas is the culprit here.This causes wet spots on the surface, which you can easily smudge with your hand or arm. Of course, this isn’t an option, especially if you’ve worked on a piece for hours.
The best way to avoid this is to not overdo it. Apply yourcolors with fast brush strokes after making sure that your brush isn’t overwhelmed with a fat drop of paint .
Q: What about colors that mix together?

Colors usually bleed into each other if you find yourself in one of two scenarios.
The first one is when youcolor two adjacent sections before you wait for the paint to dry. Since both colors are still wet, they’ll quickly mix together and seep into both sections.
The second scenario is when you’re using a brush without washing it thoroughly in water. This means that it has traces of another color, which canmix with the one you’re painting with and give you a third hue.
Therefore, make sure that you always use clean brushes to avoid this issue.
Yet, sometimes that might not be easy if yourbrush is clogged with paint . If you’re asking what’s the best way to solve this problem, I’d be glad to oblige.
Simply enough, take your clogged brush and dip it in a jar of nail polish thinner. Even if thepaint is dry on the brush, this quirky tip should do the trick.
[amazon box="B004F82HB8"]
Q: Is Adding Water Okay?
A: Thinning yourpaint with water isn’t just fine, it’s, in fact, a must!This is because the colors that we use to dopaint by numbers are acrylic . Thus, they have athick texture that’s hard to apply without adding some water.
Buthow much water should you add in order to get a perfect consistency?
As a beginner, it might be tricky to determine this, but I’ll help you out. First of all, it’s important that you add water in the shape of drops and don’t pour it right in.
You can use an empty eye drop container for this purpose.
Begin with adding one or two drops of water before testing your paint. After that, use yourbrush to mix the water into the paint until you get a consistent texture.
Then, dip your brush in and hold it before your eyes to see how thepaint drips down from the brush.
If it takes too long to leave the hair of the brush, then you may want to add more water to the paint. If it drops too fast, then the color is too watery.
Of course, with more practice and experience, you should be able to get this step just right.
Q: A lot of people end up with dry paint inside their containers. How do we solve that problem?
[amazon box="B09WFB5L71"]A: Sometimes, we forget to cover the paint containers, which exposes it to air and leaves it dry. For this reason, make sure you close the lid when you’re done with one of the colors.
In fact, it’ll save you a lot of trouble if you accidentally knock the container over. Imagine doing your best to avoid smudges only to face the issue of spillingpaint over your art . Not cool.
Still, what if the colors actually dry out?
It’squite simple to fix this . All you’ll have to do is add a few droplets ofwater to the dry paint until it goes back to its liquid form. In addition, you can use alcohol for this purpose.
Again, don’t forget to follow my previous tip and pay attention not to add too much of either.
The Final Word
Hopefully, after reading our interview, you’ll come to the conclusion thatpaint by number edit is a thing. This means that almost any mistake you might be making can have a solution. Yes, you can fixpaint by numbers mistakes .However, our artist has one final tip for you. As much as we appreciate all the pieces of advice that we’ve discussed with them throughout our article, this one can be the most important.
Before you worry about making mistakes or fixing them, just remember to have fun. Tocreate awesome art , all you have to do is put your heart and soul into it and stop stressing out.
After all, every problem can be solved and now you know how to fixpaint by numbers mistakes!