
1950's Vintage Paint by Numbers - Unused Kits

In this article, we’ll cover the birth ofpainting by numbers , also its rise to popularity, and the fascinating creations that followed. Whether you’re looking forvintage paint by numbers unused or decades-old timelesspaintings , here’s howpaint by numbers looked in the 50s.

Additionally, the renewed craze ofpaint by numbers has encouraged people to seek relief throughart therapy . New fans are now entering the hobby scene, but it was more than six decades ago that this collectable hobby first became a thing.

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Vintage Paint by Numbers Unused - The Birth of Paint by Numbers

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Dan Robbins, for instance, was a commercial artist based in Detroit. In 1949, he started working at Palmer Show Card paint company, where he was tasked with a rather odd assignment: sell more paint.

Firstly, Robbins had to come up with a clever scheme to promote his company’s paint products. In his autobiography, for instance, he says that it was perhaps Leonardo da Vinci who inspired him tocreate the first paint by numbers hobby kit.

Da Vinci had an intuitive teaching system for apprentice painters, and he wouldgive his students projects with numbered patterns, and this would indicate which colors should be used and in what areas. This mainly helped his students with underpainting and visualizations, but Robbins had a different idea.
Da Vinci Robbins painted an artwork, placed a transparent paper over it, then outlined the whole drawing. He assigned a number for each color, thennumbered each segment on the artwork according to the corresponding color. Therefore, his hobby kit was now ready to be presented to the masses.

“Every Man a Rembrandt”

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This was proclaimed on the first-ever paint by numbers packaging, thereforeRembrandt was perhaps one of art history’s most prominent figures. Which was a prestigious accolade that the average joe could now acquire by simplybrushing paint on a jigsaw-like design.

Firstly, Robbins’ first paint by numbers painting was calledAbstract No. 1 , which was a timelessabstract painting that Robbins described as “A little Braque, a little Picasso, and a lot of Robbins.”

A Post-War Cultural Phenomenon

American people loved the new trend since they then had time to engage in leisure activities. It was also said that painting helped relax and destress, something most of America’s youth were yearning for.

In 1955, Palmer Show Card had grown into a massive company, with 800 employees producing 50,000 kits a day. And by the end of the year, roughly 20 million kits were sold in the United States.

The original vintagepaint by number kits tended to be abstract, an homage to the original creator’s work. However, as the hobby was commercialized and sold to the masses, portraits and less abstract designs started to take the spotlight.

Vintage Paint by Numbers Paintings

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If you want to check some of the most iconic paint-by-number paintings, you can check out Dan Robbins’creations . It’s evident how his style has greatly shifted fromabstract to naturalistic. His latest works were inspired by contemporary portraiture and scenic photos he saw in the National Geographic magazine.

Here are some of history’s most popularpaint by number paintings.

1. Winter’s Finery by Dan Robbins

Winter’s Finery is a masterpiece created by Robbins himself. It’s featured inthe Doug James collection and is considered one of the rarest paint by number paintings.

Thepainting is a scene from winter’s final days of glory. The scene is mostly covered with snow and boughs that don’t bear any leaves. You could see the snowy mountains overlooking the valley and some pine trees.

Robbinspainted this canvas using 27 oil colors. It was released as apaint by numbers kit in 1952, in the Craft Master 3 kit series.

2.Winter’s Finery by Dan Robbins

Adam Grant is a painter widely admired by curators and critics. He was born in Poland and imprisoned in Auschwitz in 1942. When he emigrated to the United States in 1950, he saw Robbins call for additional artists and was one of the first responders.

Robbins praises Grant highly in his autobiography, saying that he knew he was the right person for the job, and that they were lucky to have him.

This piece dates back to 1951, featuring an oriental maid in a colorful costume. The beauty of the far east and the mysticism of the oriental setting made thispainting stand out from the rest of the kit series.

3. Western Stagecoach Scene by Kitsch Art

If you’re looking to collect avintage painting , you can find a lot of online sellers offering incredible creations. Like this one, a 1960spainting by Kitsch Art depicting an action-packed chase scene in the wild west.

Thislarge 22x18-inch painting is secured in a sturdy frame that looks to be in perfect condition. Another masterful creation under the name ofpaint by numbers .

Vintage Paint by Numbers Unused Kits

If you’re looking for unused vintage kits, you can find some rare collectibles on the internet. Here are some of the rare finds we came across. If you weren’t so lucky and the kits were sold out, you can look foronline sellers offering their own vintage collections.

1. Craft Master 1950s Vintage Set

Palmer Show Card changed their name to Craft Master in the mid-fifties. It was an attempt to rebrand their company as sales skyrocketed. This is probably one of the rarest unused kits you can find.

Series 24 was one of the company’s firstpaint by number kits under the new name. It comes with 2 different landscapes titled “Country Scenes.” The brushes, instructions, and 24oil paints are all intact. Even better, the box itself is in perfect condition.

Vintagekits like this are a dream opportunity for art collectors. At the price that’s being offered right now, it’s an absolute catch!

2. Craft Master 1970s Vintage Set

Another vintage kit is Craft Master’s TapestryPainting set . It was made in 1975 and has never been opened since then.

The tapestry template is gorgeous without coloring, so we can only imagine what it would look like framed and hung on a wall. Itcomes with a color guide , acrylics, a paintbrush, and instructions.

3. Pann Products 1950s Oil Painting Kit

Craft Master may have started this whole phenomenon, but a lot of companies soon entered the market. Pann Products are considered one of the oldest companies to start the production of their own paint-by-number kits.

There are two canvases titled Kentucky Thoroughbreds, a paintbrush, 18 capsules of fully intactoil paint , and a brochure. You should probably use thinners to get the paint to work again, but other than that, everything is present and in great condition.

4. Waddingtons Art Master 1987 Vintage Kit

Finally, we came across this 1987 vintage kit from WaddingtonsArt Master . It features four British heritagecanvases coupled with 30paint capsules.

It has some of the most eye-catching castles in Great Britain, from Windsor Castle in Berkshire to Edinburgh Castle in Scotland, and is an excellent vintage kit for the price.

Vintage Paint by Numbers Unused - Conclusion

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In conclusion, you could argue thatpaint by numbers isn’t a true form of art. However, it still brought out theinner artist in all of us. Since art is, by definition, the visual expression of human imagination, even something as simple aspainting between the lines has had the capacity to provoke powerful emotions.
CLICK HERE to browse our complete selection of high quality paint by numbers kits!