
Paint by Numbers Meaning and Benefits to Your Mental Health

Painting by numbers has long been enjoyed by adults and children as a way to create wonderful works of art. Psychologists have conducted studies showing that painting by numbers not only provides a great piece of art but also mental health benefits. Everyone can benefit from doing paint by numbers kits. In this article, we discuss paint by numbers meaning and how it benefits your mental health. So, stay tuned!

Paint by Numbers Meaning - What is Painting by Numbers?

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Painting by numbers refers to kits sold that include paints and a canvas. Painting by numbers means the outline of the painting is already completed and broken into small, numbered sections. The manufacturer labels all the paints with numbers. To create a work of art, one must simply brush the correct paint into the labeled sections to complete the piece. The first patent for painting by numbers was filed in 1923, but the art form didn’t reach popularity until the 1950s. Today, painting by numbers kits are sold by many retailers and are available in many shapes and forms.  Painting by numbers is typically done with acrylic or oil paints, though some are available with watercolor or pencil color. Kits come with paints, a brush, and an outline for painting. Outlines come in several forms, ranging from abstract paintings to stylized versions of comic book characters. No matter your interest, a painting by numbers kit will have something for you.

Paint by Numbers Meaning - Benefits of Painting by Numbers

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Aside from the obvious benefit of having a beautiful painting when you finish, painting by numbers is beneficial to mental health. In an article for Frontiers in Psychology, the authors conclude art therapy has been beneficial to those suffering from mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Calming Effect

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Painting by numbers can have a calming effect on painters, especially those dealing with anxiety issues. Painting by numbers is especially effective at reducing anxiety, as there is no guesswork involved.  Everything is clearly labeled, and anxious people do not have to worry about what goes where. Painting by numbers is as simple as filling in the correct areas. Painting by numbers can relax even the most anxious painters. A group of psychologists conducted a quasi-experimental study to investigate the impact of making art on adults.  After making art for 45 minutes, the psychologists tested the cortisol levels of the test subjects. Cortisol is the body’s main stress hormone. Overall, the art-creating session lowered cortisol levels by 75 percent in those tested. Participants with no prior experience making art found it a relaxing experience. The study also says the responses of the participants showed an inclination towards an enjoyable, relaxing and helpful activity that aids learning about one's self and blocks the outside noise. It is a process of evolution that goes through the struggles of each individual and laters resolves in the people losing themselves in the work. The calming effect of painting a picture is a great way to deal with negative emotions. Relaxing and mentally stimulating activities like painting by numbers can help deal with negative emotions.

Meditative Effect

Psychologists have long held up meditation as a great way to deal with stress and anxiety. Painting by numbers can produce a meditative effect in painters as they become hyper-focused on the task at hand. Painters experiencing stress and anxiety can use this feeling to push past these negative feelings and focus on something positive.

Improves Patience and Organization

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Painting by numbers takes time and patience to complete, and this can have numerous mental health benefits. Painting by numbers teaches painters to diligently work on a project and see it through to the end, no matter how long it might take. Working hard on a project and seeing the finished product benefits the creator's mental health. Painting by numbers also demands a level of organization from painters. Keeping paints and brushes organized for efficient use is a great way to help with organizational skills. Painters often create personal methods for how to tackle a painting, helping improve planning skills and organization. Painting by numbers is a detail-oriented form of creating art. Because of this, it requires painters to show patience when painting the piece. Rushing through the painting process can result in the artist making mistakes. Slowing down and taking time to ensure the details are correct is massively beneficial to an artist's patience.

Self-Esteem Increase

Painting by numbers provides a self-esteem boost both during the act of painting and afterward. The act of painting releases dopamine and provides a self-esteem boost as the painter sees themselves accomplishing a work of art. As you keep creating art and seeing the progress being made, you begin to think, “I can do this,” more and more. The finished product provides a self-esteem boost as well. Every time a painter walks by their completed work, they will feel a sense of pride and accomplishment at a job well done. And the more art in the house, the more those feelings can grow.

Concentration Benefits

When working on a painting by numbers kit, painters need intense concentration to ensure they don’t make any mistakes. Completing several kits will provide benefits to focus and concentration in the long run for artists. The more paintings artists complete, the better their concentration abilities will become.

Promotion of Self-Discovery

Creating art can go a long way to help painters discover something about themselves, or deal with trauma bottled up inside. Art gives space for its creators to reflect inward and create something personal, while still maintaining distance from the potentially traumatizing memory. Gretchen Miller, an art therapist, recognizes the importance of art therapy in helping deal with anxiety and mental health issues. She writes about how art helps people create separation from traumatic experiences without the need to rely on language that’s more straightforward and harder to communicate. Using painting by numbers, artists can express themselves in new ways and can deal with pent-up feelings.

Painting by Numbers is Inexpensive 

Financial insecurity can be a source of much anxiety and depression for anyone. This is a way to help provide some relief from these feelings without feeling the pain at checkout. 

Painting by Numbers Can be Communal

Painting is an excellent way to unwind alone, but it is just as effective in a group setting. You can purchase a kit for the whole family and work on them together. Or everyone can work on them at their own pace, and you can compare the finished products later. No matter how you choose to do it, working with friends and family can be a good boost to mental health. Artists can additionally purchase large canvases for everyone to work on simultaneously. Few things can be as uplifting as working together with the people closest to you.

Conclusion: Painting by Numbers Meaning

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Painting by numbers is an inexpensive way to help with the mental wealth struggles we all face on a day-to-day basis. Completing a paint by numbers project helps with concentration, relaxation, and self-esteem. While not a cure for mental health issues, working on a paint by numbers project is a great way to relieve some stress and create wonderful artwork to display. CLICK HERE to shop our complete selection of high quality paint by numbers kits!