Oil painting is a beautiful art form. In this tutorial, we will learn oil painting step by step specially in creating landscape oil painting. We will start with the basics, such as choosing the right supplies and preparing yourcanvas , and then move on to moreadvanced techniques like mixing colors and adding details . By the end of this tutorial, you will have learned everything you need to know tocreate your own beautiful oil paintings !
Oilpainting is a type of painting that is made with paints that are made from oil. It is a type ofpainting that is done on a canvas with pigments that are held together by drying oil.
Landscape oil painting is a type of painting that focuses on natural scenery, such as mountains, forests, rivers, and so on. This type ofpainting often uses bright colors and bold brushstrokes to capture the beauty of the outdoors. It can be created on any sizecanvas , but they are typically large in order to show off the expansive landscapes.
Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments that are bound together with a drying oil. The most commonoil used in oil painting is linseed oil, but other oils, such as safflower oil and poppy seed oil, can also be used.
Oil paints are one of the most popular and well-known kinds of paint, and fine artists have used them for a long time. It is different from otherpainting mediums and materials because they make great tones and colors . It can also be used to make both pleasing lines and sharp effects.
Oil paints are heavier than many other types of paint, like ink or watercolor, but they can still be used to make paintings that are clear, opaque, or translucent. Oil paint has a surprising variety of uses. A painting made with this kind of paint can also have a lot of different textures.
Drying oils are slow to oxidize, meaning they take longer to dry than other types of paint. This allows theartist to work the paint for a longer period of time before it dries, giving them more time to add detail and achieve the desired effect.
Oil paintings can be made on any surface, but they are most commonly done on canvas.Canvas is a type offabric that is made from hemp or linen and often stretched over a wooden frame.
The oil painting process begins with the artist sketching their design onto the canvas . Once the sketch is complete, the artist will begin to add color. oil paints are made from pigments that are mixed with adrying oil. The artist will mix their desired colors together and then apply them to the canvas using a brush.
Once the paint has been applied, the oil needs time to dry before it can be varnished. Varnishing protects thepainting and gives it a shiny finish.
It can take anywhere from days to months to complete, depending on the size and complexity of the painting.
Oil painting dates back to the 13th century, but it was not until the 15th century that oil paints began to be used for landscapes. The first artists topaint landscapes with oil paints were Flemish painters. Theseartists often used bright colors and bold brushstrokes to capture the beauty of the outdoors.
Landscape oil painting became popular in Europe during the 17th century as a result of the Dutch Golden Age. This was a time when many Dutch painters focused onpainting scenes of daily life and nature. During this time, oilpaintings became more realistic and detailed.
Today, landscape oilpainting is still a popular choice among artists because it allows them to create beautiful, realistic paintings. If you areinterested in learning how to oil paint , there are a number of resources available to help you get started. You can find oilpainting tutorials online or in art books. You can also take oilpainting classes from an experienced artist .
No matter how you choose to learn, oilpainting is a rewarding experience that will allow you to create stunning works of art. So what are you waiting for?
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- oil paints
- brushes
- canvas
- easel
- palettes
Akit is also a great option if you are not sure what type of oil painting supplies you need. It can be overwhelming trying to choose all of the right supplies, so a kit takes the guesswork out of it. Plus, it is usually cheaper to buy a kit than it is to buy all of the supplies separately.
The kit might come with a nice box or case that you can keep using for a long time.
The extras. Sometimes a kit will come with basic information about how to use it or a color wheel to help you mix colors.
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As a general rule, you should start your oil painting with a lot of solvent and thin washes, and then add additional oil as you go. The thickest brushstrokes should be at the end of your painting (oiliest).
There are many different types of oilpainting brushes available, but the most common type is the bristle brush.
When you paint with oil, use bristle brushes. Detail work and basic shapes can be done with a small nylon or sable brush, but bristle brushes should be used for most of the painting. They are very firm. Oil paint, which is like a thick paste, can't be spread with a brush that is too soft.
Bushes come in different shapes, including round, flat, bright, and filbert. You should try them all at some point, but this article is about how to start painting with oils.
As a beginner, I suggest buying the following oil paint brushes with hog bristles or any other firm bristles:
You will need a palette to mix your oil paints on. A glass or ceramic plate can be used, but it isdifficult to clean and oil paint can seep through the pores and ruin it.
A wooden palette is the best type to use because it is easy to clean and oil paint doesn't seep through as easily. You can buy a pre-made wooden palette or make your own.
To clean your palette just use a flat razor blade to scrape off all the old paint to clean it or you can use waxpaper , which is a quick and cheap way to keep your palette clean.
No matter what, you'll need a place to mix the paint. Make sure it's big enough to hold all your colors and still give you a lot of room to mix them.
It is used tomix oil paints on your palette and can also be used to apply paint to your canvas in beautiful, textured strokes. You can do things with the palette knife that you can't do with the paint brush.
I recommend getting a few different sizes so you can find the one that is most comfortable for you to use. Also, look for a palette knife that is sturdy but bendable.
Aneasel is an important piece of oil painting equipment because it holds your canvas while you work. You will need tobuy an easel that is the right size for the canvases you plan to paint.
With an easel, you can move around your painting and paint in the right way. If you paint on a flat surface, your posture will be off, which will make it hard for you to paint.
A small table-top easel is fine for small canvases, but if you plan on painting large canvases, you will need a floor easel.
A paint rack is a great way to organize your oil paints and keep them within reach while you work.
You can buy a paint rack or make your own. All you need is a piece ofwood that is long enough to hold all of your oil paints and some dowels (or small nails) to hang the paint tubes on.
You canbuy oil paint cleaner or make your own. All you need is a jar, some mineral spirits, and a little elbow grease.
To make your own oil paint cleaner, just add equal parts mineral spirits and distilled water to a jar and shake it up. Then, dip your brush in the mixture and swirl it around until the brush is clean.
The support inart is the surface you paint on. Oil painters can use canvas, paper, or wood as a support, but canvas is the most common choice today. Canvas is a good choice, but I wouldn't say it's "good" or "best."
Ultimately, you should try all kinds ofsurfaces to paint on, but to start out with oil painting, I suggest usinggesso -coated watercolor paper. Gesso is a thick, white acrylicprimer that keeps the oil in your paint from ruining your watercolor paper.
I use Strathmore 140lb watercolor paper and Utrecht Gesso. Once the primed paper is dry, just tape it to a drawing board or a piece of Masonite and start painting.
Gessoed watercolor paper is a common support in art schools because it is cheaper than canvas. Don't assume that oilpainting on paper is only for people who are just starting out. Many oil painters with a lot of experience like gessoed paper better than the other options.
You'll want to wear clothes that you don't mind getting paint on. I like to wear an old t-shirt and shorts or jeans that I can move around in easily.Oil painting is a messy business, so it's best to not wear your good clothes.
Set up your workspace. Now that you have all the oil painting supplies you need, it's time to set up your workspace. Find a place where you can spread out and won't be disturbed while you work. Make sure there is enough light so you can see what you're doing.
If possible, set up your easel near a window so you have natural light, but if that's not possible, use a lamp.
I often use a paper towel to squeeze paint off my brushes between colors. Cut-up old t-shirts and old socks that don't match work well as rags.
-oil paints (I'm using titanium white, yellow ochre, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and black)
- oil painting brushes (I'm using a #12 round brush and a #16 flat brush)
- palette knives
- an easel
-acrylic paint - canvas orwatercolor paper
- oil paint cleaner
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Start oilpainting by using only a few basic colors . This will let you try mixing colors more, which will help you get a good feel for how oil paints work. Start with the primary colors, white, and black. Once you've mastered the basics of oil painting, you can add more colors. Starter sets provide a good range for beginner oil painters.
Most good brushes will say if they are good for oil painting or not.
A stretched canvas or canvas board is the best surface for oil painting. No matter what surface you choose, you will need to use gesso to prepare it.
Oil painting can be messy, so create a safe work space when beginning oil painting. Cover your work surface with newspapers or a drop cloth. This will protect your furniture from paint stains.
Oil paints themselves can have a strong smell, and the solvents needed to thin thepaint and clean your brushes are toxic. Find a spot outdoors or in a room with lots of ventilation. The use of latex or nitrile gloves is also advisable when handling paints, as some contain dangerous chemicals that can be absorbed through the skin.
You shouldn't skip an importantstep when learning how to paint with oil on canvas. Oil paint is thick, and if you don't use gesso first, the oils will soak into your canvas or other surface.
Not only does this change the way your finished piece looks, but it can also damage the canvas over time. Gesso also helps the paint stick better to the surface.
Some canvases and boards already have gesso on them, but if they don't, you'll have to do it yourself. Gesso is made of chalk, gypsum, and color. It can be made with acrylic glue or rabbit-skin glue. Gesso usually needs two coats and takes about an hour to dry.
The first step is to sketch your landscape. Use a pencil to sketch your initial drawing, but you can also use charcoal.
If you're using paper, be sure to use a heavy-weight paper so it won't buckle when we add the oil paint.
Once you have your landscape sketched out, it's time to start painting.
After you have prepared your canvas, you can start oil painting. Whenartists use oil paints , they often start by painting a thin wash of the color that will be the base of the painting all over the canvas. Then, they use a pencil or a light coat of black paint to roughly draw the main shapes, lines, and focal points on the canvas.
Now let's add some color to the sky. Use a smaller brush to add ultramarine blue to the top of the sky. Then, add a little alizarin crimson to the bottom of the sky. Finally, use a clean brush to blend the colors together.
Now we'll move on to the mountains. Start by mixing a little black into your titanium white to create a light gray color.
Then, use a large brush to paint the mountains in long, horizontal strokes.
Next, we'll add some shadows to the mountains. To do this, mix a little ultramarine blue, burnt umber, and alizarin crimson together to create a dark purple color.
Then, use a small brush to add this color to the mountains in short, vertical strokes.
Finally, use a clean brush to blend the colors together.
The nextstep is to paint the trees. Start by mixing a little black and ultramarine blue together to create a dark green color.
Then, use a small brush topaint the trees in short, vertical strokes.
Next, we'll add some shadows to the trees. To do this, mix a little alizarin crimson and ultramarine blue together to create a dark purple color.
Then, use a small brush to add this color to the trees in short, vertical strokes.
Finally, use a clean brush to blend the colors together.
Then, use a small brush to paint the grass in short, vertical strokes.
Next, we'll add some shadows to the grass. To do this, mix a little alizarin crimson and ultramarine blue together to create a dark purple color.
Then, use a small brush to add this color to the grass in short, vertical strokes.
After you've set up your painting, you'll need to add layers of paint and color. The "fat over lean" rule is an important part of oil painting. This keeps oil paint from splitting when it dries (or taking forever to dry in the first place).
The "thicker" the paint is and the longer it takes to dry, the more oil it has. So, you should always put thinner paint on first, under the thicker paints, to keep them from cracking. How long does it take to dry oil paint? It can take three months or longer, depending on how thick it is.
I already have a dark base to paint on, so it's time to start using lighter colors. For the highlights on the water, I mix different amounts of titanium white, cobalt blue, and cadmium yellow light.
I also try to make sure that as you move from the foreground to the horizon line, the colors change from dark to light. This helps give thepainting an interesting sense of depth.
The laststep is to sign your painting . Then, you can sit back and enjoy your beautiful oil painting! Congratulations on completing your first oil painting! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
Thereason I like to use this technique is because it allows me to get a feel for the overall colors in the painting before I start working on the details. It also helps to create a more unified look to the painting.
To create an underpainting, I mix a color that I want to use as my base color. For this painting, I am using a light blue color. Then, Ipaint the entire canvas with this color.
Once the underpainting is dry, I start to add the details on top.
Scumbling is another oil painting technique that I like to use. This is where youpaint a thin layer of color over the top of another color.
The reason I like to use thistechnique is because it allows me to create a more textured look. It also helps to add depth and dimension to the painting.
To create a scumble, I mix a color that I want to use as my top color. For this painting, I am using a light blue color.
Then, Ipaint a thin layer of this color over the top of the underpainting.
I like to use a dry brush when I am scumbling so that I don't disturb the underpainting too much.
Alla prima is an oil painting technique that is used to paint wet-on-wet. This means that you paint the layers of color while the previous layer is still wet.
The reason I like to use this technique is because it allows me to work quickly and spontaneously. It also helps to create a more unified look to the painting.
To create an Alla prima painting, I mix a color that I want to use as my base color. For this painting, I am using a light blue color.
Then, Ipaint the entire canvas with this color.
Once the underpainting is dry, I start to add the details on top.
I like to use a wet brush when I ampainting Alla prima so that the colors blend together nicely.
Glazing is an oil painting technique that is used to create a translucent layer of color. This is done by mixing a color with a glazing medium.
The reason I like to use this technique is because it allows me to create a soft, dreamy look. It also helps to add depth and dimension to the painting.
To create a glaze, I mix a color that I want to use with a glazing medium. For this painting, I am using a light blue color mixed with linseed oil.
Then, Ipaint a thin layer of this color over the top of the underpainting.
I like to use a soft brush when I am glazing so that I don't disturb the underpainting too much.
Impasto is an oilpainting technique that is used to create a thick, textured layer of color. This is done by using a lot of paint on the brush, or by adding a thickening medium to the paint.
The reason I like to use this technique is because it allows me to create a more textured look. It also helps to add depth and dimension to the painting.
To create an impasto, I mix a color that I want to use with a thickening medium. For this painting, I am using a lightblue color mixed with white oil paint .
The reason I like to use this technique is because it allows me to create a more unified look. It also helps to add depth and dimension to the painting.
To create a sfumato, I mix a color that I want to use with a glazing medium. For this painting, I am using a light blue color mixed with linseed oil.
Then, Ipaint a thin layer of this color over the top of the underpainting.
I like to use a soft brush when I am painting sfumato so that the colors blend together nicely.
Oil painting is a very versatile medium. It can be used to create many different effects.
Some of the advantages of oil painting include the fact that it is very forgiving, and that it dries slowly. This allows you to work on your painting for a longer period of time.
Another advantage of oil painting is that it is very versatile. You can use oilpaint to create a variety of textures and effects.
However, there are some disadvantages to oil painting as well. One of the main disadvantages is that it can be messy. Oilpaint can be difficult to clean up, and it can also stain clothing and furniture.
Another disadvantage of oil painting is that it requires special materials and equipment. This can be expensive, and it can be difficult to find the right supplies.
Oil painting is a very versatile medium with many advantages, but there are some disadvantages to consider as well. If you are thinking about oil painting, be sure to do your research and understand the pros and cons before you start.
Thanks for reading! I hope this oil painting tutorial was helpful for you. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions. Happy painting!
Oil Painting Step by Step | What Is Landscape Oil Painting?
rOilpainting is a type of painting that is made with paints that are made from oil. It is a type ofpainting that is done on a canvas with pigments that are held together by drying oil.
Landscape oil painting is a type of painting that focuses on natural scenery, such as mountains, forests, rivers, and so on. This type ofpainting often uses bright colors and bold brushstrokes to capture the beauty of the outdoors. It can be created on any sizecanvas , but they are typically large in order to show off the expansive landscapes.
Why Paint Landscapes?
Painting landscapes is a popular choice for artists because it allows them to combine their love of nature with their creative talents. Landscape oilpaintings are also popular among art collectors because they make for beautiful decoration pieces. If you are thinking about starting your ownoil painting collection, landscape paintings make for a great addition!What Is Oil Painting in Art?
Oil Paint

Oil paints are one of the most popular and well-known kinds of paint, and fine artists have used them for a long time. It is different from otherpainting mediums and materials because they make great tones and colors . It can also be used to make both pleasing lines and sharp effects.
Oil paints are heavier than many other types of paint, like ink or watercolor, but they can still be used to make paintings that are clear, opaque, or translucent. Oil paint has a surprising variety of uses. A painting made with this kind of paint can also have a lot of different textures.
Drying oils are slow to oxidize, meaning they take longer to dry than other types of paint. This allows theartist to work the paint for a longer period of time before it dries, giving them more time to add detail and achieve the desired effect.
Oil Painting Step by Step |The Process
[amazon box="B0991VXW34"]Oil paintings can be made on any surface, but they are most commonly done on canvas.Canvas is a type offabric that is made from hemp or linen and often stretched over a wooden frame.
The oil painting process begins with the artist sketching their design onto the canvas . Once the sketch is complete, the artist will begin to add color. oil paints are made from pigments that are mixed with adrying oil. The artist will mix their desired colors together and then apply them to the canvas using a brush.
Once the paint has been applied, the oil needs time to dry before it can be varnished. Varnishing protects thepainting and gives it a shiny finish.
It can take anywhere from days to months to complete, depending on the size and complexity of the painting.
Oil Painting Step by Step | Short History Of Landscape Oil Painting

Landscape oil painting became popular in Europe during the 17th century as a result of the Dutch Golden Age. This was a time when many Dutch painters focused onpainting scenes of daily life and nature. During this time, oilpaintings became more realistic and detailed.
Today, landscape oilpainting is still a popular choice among artists because it allows them to create beautiful, realistic paintings. If you areinterested in learning how to oil paint , there are a number of resources available to help you get started. You can find oilpainting tutorials online or in art books. You can also take oilpainting classes from an experienced artist .
No matter how you choose to learn, oilpainting is a rewarding experience that will allow you to create stunning works of art. So what are you waiting for?
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Why Buy An Oil Painting Kit?
An oilpainting kit is a great way to get started with oil painting. A kit will usually include all of the supplies you need to get started, including:- oil paints
- brushes
- canvas
- easel
- palettes
Akit is also a great option if you are not sure what type of oil painting supplies you need. It can be overwhelming trying to choose all of the right supplies, so a kit takes the guesswork out of it. Plus, it is usually cheaper to buy a kit than it is to buy all of the supplies separately.
Oil Painting Step by Step | Reasons Why Buy A Kit:
It's simple. The best thing about buying a kit is that you only have to make one choice: which kit to buy.The kit might come with a nice box or case that you can keep using for a long time.
The extras. Sometimes a kit will come with basic information about how to use it or a color wheel to help you mix colors.
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List Of Oil Painting Supplies
Oil Paint
Oil paints are made from pigments that are mixed with a drying oil. The oil helps the paint to dry slowly, which allows the artist to work the paint for a longer period of time before it dries.3 Parts Of Oil Paints:
This is what gives the color. Pigment can be made in a factory or found in nature. Most of the time, the quality of a brand of paint is directly related to how much pigment it has compared to the other parts. Most of the time, more pigment means better quality paint.Paint Solvent
A paint solvent is a liquid that is used to thin oil paints and make them easier to work with.- Make your paint move more easily.
- Water down the paint, which makes it good for thin washes.
- Your oil paint will dry much faster if you do these things.
The thing that holds the pigments together is the binder. Most of the time, flaxseed oil is used as the glue.Linseed Oil
There are many different types of oil paints available on the market, but these are the three most common.- Flaxseed oil
- Stand oil
- Safflower oil
- Paint thinner goes with paint thinner. It is used to make your paint thicker and will make your paint flow better.
- Make it take longer to dry.
- Make your paint more transparent so it can be used for glazing.
As a general rule, you should start your oil painting with a lot of solvent and thin washes, and then add additional oil as you go. The thickest brushstrokes should be at the end of your painting (oiliest).
Oil Painting Step by Step |Brushes

When you paint with oil, use bristle brushes. Detail work and basic shapes can be done with a small nylon or sable brush, but bristle brushes should be used for most of the painting. They are very firm. Oil paint, which is like a thick paste, can't be spread with a brush that is too soft.
Bushes come in different shapes, including round, flat, bright, and filbert. You should try them all at some point, but this article is about how to start painting with oils.
As a beginner, I suggest buying the following oil paint brushes with hog bristles or any other firm bristles:
- A brush with a medium-sized fan.
- One large flat brush
- A few medium-sized filbert brushes.
- A few medium-sized flat brushes.
- One round brush that is medium in size.

A wooden palette is the best type to use because it is easy to clean and oil paint doesn't seep through as easily. You can buy a pre-made wooden palette or make your own.
To clean your palette just use a flat razor blade to scrape off all the old paint to clean it or you can use waxpaper , which is a quick and cheap way to keep your palette clean.
No matter what, you'll need a place to mix the paint. Make sure it's big enough to hold all your colors and still give you a lot of room to mix them.
Palette Knives

I recommend getting a few different sizes so you can find the one that is most comfortable for you to use. Also, look for a palette knife that is sturdy but bendable.

With an easel, you can move around your painting and paint in the right way. If you paint on a flat surface, your posture will be off, which will make it hard for you to paint.
A small table-top easel is fine for small canvases, but if you plan on painting large canvases, you will need a floor easel.
Paint Racks

You can buy a paint rack or make your own. All you need is a piece ofwood that is long enough to hold all of your oil paints and some dowels (or small nails) to hang the paint tubes on.
Oil Paint Cleaner
Oil paint cleaner is used to clean oil paint brushes.You canbuy oil paint cleaner or make your own. All you need is a jar, some mineral spirits, and a little elbow grease.
To make your own oil paint cleaner, just add equal parts mineral spirits and distilled water to a jar and shake it up. Then, dip your brush in the mixture and swirl it around until the brush is clean.
Canvas Or Support

Ultimately, you should try all kinds ofsurfaces to paint on, but to start out with oil painting, I suggest usinggesso -coated watercolor paper. Gesso is a thick, white acrylicprimer that keeps the oil in your paint from ruining your watercolor paper.
I use Strathmore 140lb watercolor paper and Utrecht Gesso. Once the primed paper is dry, just tape it to a drawing board or a piece of Masonite and start painting.
Gessoed watercolor paper is a common support in art schools because it is cheaper than canvas. Don't assume that oilpainting on paper is only for people who are just starting out. Many oil painters with a lot of experience like gessoed paper better than the other options.
Comfortable Clothes

Set up your workspace. Now that you have all the oil painting supplies you need, it's time to set up your workspace. Find a place where you can spread out and won't be disturbed while you work. Make sure there is enough light so you can see what you're doing.
If possible, set up your easel near a window so you have natural light, but if that's not possible, use a lamp.
Cloth Rags or Paper Towel
You'll need something to wipe your brushes on while you're painting. I like to use cloth rags, but paper towels will work in a pinch.I often use a paper towel to squeeze paint off my brushes between colors. Cut-up old t-shirts and old socks that don't match work well as rags.
Oil Painting Basics

Step by Step Oil Painting Basics For Landscape Painting
Oil painting is a great way to createbeautiful works of art . In this landscape oil painting tutorial, I'll show you how to paint a simple landscape using alimited palette .Gather Your Materials:
You'll need the following supplies:-oil paints (I'm using titanium white, yellow ochre, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and black)
- oil painting brushes (I'm using a #12 round brush and a #16 flat brush)
- palette knives
- an easel
-acrylic paint - canvas orwatercolor paper
- oil paint cleaner
[amazon box="B08V1F5BQ4"]
Start oilpainting by using only a few basic colors . This will let you try mixing colors more, which will help you get a good feel for how oil paints work. Start with the primary colors, white, and black. Once you've mastered the basics of oil painting, you can add more colors. Starter sets provide a good range for beginner oil painters.
Most good brushes will say if they are good for oil painting or not.
A stretched canvas or canvas board is the best surface for oil painting. No matter what surface you choose, you will need to use gesso to prepare it.
Set Up A Safe Work Space:

Oil paints themselves can have a strong smell, and the solvents needed to thin thepaint and clean your brushes are toxic. Find a spot outdoors or in a room with lots of ventilation. The use of latex or nitrile gloves is also advisable when handling paints, as some contain dangerous chemicals that can be absorbed through the skin.
Prime Your Canvas:
Oilpainting on a primed canvas will help your paint adhere better and make the colors more vibrant. To prime a canvas, simply spread an even layer of gesso over the surface with a brush. Let it dry completely before moving on to the next step.You shouldn't skip an importantstep when learning how to paint with oil on canvas. Oil paint is thick, and if you don't use gesso first, the oils will soak into your canvas or other surface.
Not only does this change the way your finished piece looks, but it can also damage the canvas over time. Gesso also helps the paint stick better to the surface.
Some canvases and boards already have gesso on them, but if they don't, you'll have to do it yourself. Gesso is made of chalk, gypsum, and color. It can be made with acrylic glue or rabbit-skin glue. Gesso usually needs two coats and takes about an hour to dry.
Analyze The Reference Photo
Before you start painting, you should give some thought to why you want to paint the subject and what you hope to gain from it. In most scenes, there are only two or three things that really stand out. So you need to figure out what they are and pay attention to them.Sketch Your Landscape

If you're using paper, be sure to use a heavy-weight paper so it won't buckle when we add the oil paint.
Once you have your landscape sketched out, it's time to start painting.
After you have prepared your canvas, you can start oil painting. Whenartists use oil paints , they often start by painting a thin wash of the color that will be the base of the painting all over the canvas. Then, they use a pencil or a light coat of black paint to roughly draw the main shapes, lines, and focal points on the canvas.
Paint the Sky
The sky is usually the lightest part of the landscape, so we'll start with that. Use a large brush and load it up with titanium white. Then paint the sky in long, horizontal strokes. Don't worry about beingperfect - this is just a first layer of paint .Now let's add some color to the sky. Use a smaller brush to add ultramarine blue to the top of the sky. Then, add a little alizarin crimson to the bottom of the sky. Finally, use a clean brush to blend the colors together.
Oil Painting Step by Step |Paint the Mountains

Then, use a large brush to paint the mountains in long, horizontal strokes.
Next, we'll add some shadows to the mountains. To do this, mix a little ultramarine blue, burnt umber, and alizarin crimson together to create a dark purple color.
Then, use a small brush to add this color to the mountains in short, vertical strokes.
Finally, use a clean brush to blend the colors together.
Paint the Trees

Then, use a small brush topaint the trees in short, vertical strokes.
Next, we'll add some shadows to the trees. To do this, mix a little alizarin crimson and ultramarine blue together to create a dark purple color.
Then, use a small brush to add this color to the trees in short, vertical strokes.
Finally, use a clean brush to blend the colors together.
Oil Painting Step by Step |Paint The Grass
The last step is to paint the grass. Start by mixing a little yellow ochre and titanium white together to create a light green color.Then, use a small brush to paint the grass in short, vertical strokes.
Next, we'll add some shadows to the grass. To do this, mix a little alizarin crimson and ultramarine blue together to create a dark purple color.
Then, use a small brush to add this color to the grass in short, vertical strokes.
Use A Clean Brush To Blend The Colors And Create Texture.

The "thicker" the paint is and the longer it takes to dry, the more oil it has. So, you should always put thinner paint on first, under the thicker paints, to keep them from cracking. How long does it take to dry oil paint? It can take three months or longer, depending on how thick it is.
Oil Painting Step by Step |Refining What Is There
This part is all about making changes to what is already on the canvas. Here, I do most of my work on the water. I really want to get that nice greenish-blue color and the crazy whitewash on the water in my painting. But I also want to create texture and find a balance between the chaos and the way the water flows.I already have a dark base to paint on, so it's time to start using lighter colors. For the highlights on the water, I mix different amounts of titanium white, cobalt blue, and cadmium yellow light.
I also try to make sure that as you move from the foreground to the horizon line, the colors change from dark to light. This helps give thepainting an interesting sense of depth.
Sign Your Finished Painting and You're Done!

Oil Painting Step by Step |Techniques for Beginners
Here is the list of oil painting techniques for you:
One of theoil painting techniques that I use is called underpainting. This is where youpaint a layer of color over the entire canvas , and then go back in and add details on top of that.Thereason I like to use this technique is because it allows me to get a feel for the overall colors in the painting before I start working on the details. It also helps to create a more unified look to the painting.
To create an underpainting, I mix a color that I want to use as my base color. For this painting, I am using a light blue color. Then, Ipaint the entire canvas with this color.
Once the underpainting is dry, I start to add the details on top.

The reason I like to use thistechnique is because it allows me to create a more textured look. It also helps to add depth and dimension to the painting.
To create a scumble, I mix a color that I want to use as my top color. For this painting, I am using a light blue color.
Then, Ipaint a thin layer of this color over the top of the underpainting.
I like to use a dry brush when I am scumbling so that I don't disturb the underpainting too much.
Oil Painting Step by Step |Alla Prima

The reason I like to use this technique is because it allows me to work quickly and spontaneously. It also helps to create a more unified look to the painting.
To create an Alla prima painting, I mix a color that I want to use as my base color. For this painting, I am using a light blue color.
Then, Ipaint the entire canvas with this color.
Once the underpainting is dry, I start to add the details on top.
I like to use a wet brush when I ampainting Alla prima so that the colors blend together nicely.

The reason I like to use this technique is because it allows me to create a soft, dreamy look. It also helps to add depth and dimension to the painting.
To create a glaze, I mix a color that I want to use with a glazing medium. For this painting, I am using a light blue color mixed with linseed oil.
Then, Ipaint a thin layer of this color over the top of the underpainting.
I like to use a soft brush when I am glazing so that I don't disturb the underpainting too much.
Oil Painting Step by Step | Impasto Technique

The reason I like to use this technique is because it allows me to create a more textured look. It also helps to add depth and dimension to the painting.
To create an impasto, I mix a color that I want to use with a thickening medium. For this painting, I am using a lightblue color mixed with white oil paint .
Sfumato is an oil painting technique that is used to create a soft, dreamy look. This is done by blending the colors together softly.The reason I like to use this technique is because it allows me to create a more unified look. It also helps to add depth and dimension to the painting.
To create a sfumato, I mix a color that I want to use with a glazing medium. For this painting, I am using a light blue color mixed with linseed oil.
Then, Ipaint a thin layer of this color over the top of the underpainting.
I like to use a soft brush when I am painting sfumato so that the colors blend together nicely.
Oil Painting Step by Step | Advantage And Disadvantages

Some of the advantages of oil painting include the fact that it is very forgiving, and that it dries slowly. This allows you to work on your painting for a longer period of time.
Another advantage of oil painting is that it is very versatile. You can use oilpaint to create a variety of textures and effects.
However, there are some disadvantages to oil painting as well. One of the main disadvantages is that it can be messy. Oilpaint can be difficult to clean up, and it can also stain clothing and furniture.
Another disadvantage of oil painting is that it requires special materials and equipment. This can be expensive, and it can be difficult to find the right supplies.

Thanks for reading! I hope this oil painting tutorial was helpful for you. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions. Happy painting!