
Best Paint By Numbers Kits For Seniors To Buy In 2022

Paint by numbers kits for seniors are growing in popularity, and rightfully so.
Painting by numbers is one of the easiest yet most fulfillingforms of art . And, art of any kind has a positive influence on the health of our older loved ones.

Of course as we grow older our preference for simpler tasks increases. While a young person cando real painting for hours on end, a senior might find it rather tricky. And that’s wherepaint by numbers comes in.

The Perfect Paint by Numbers Kits for Seniors

It’s a simple-to-do, guided task that features numbered shapes on a surface. All thepainter has to do is place paint on each shape. Here’s where it gets more interesting: eachnumber on the surface corresponds to a particular color of paint .

For example, #1 could be black, #2 red, #3 blue and so on. Therefore, every shape that’snumbered 1 will have the color black and every shape that’s #2 will have red. That’sthe gist of painting by numbers .

Simple as it is, that process is very crucial to the mental health of our older folks. Matching colors, shapes andnumbers not only helps them identify and organize visual information, but it also enhances their memory. That’s one way to beat dementia.

I’m not about to start discussing how funpaint by numbers is, not to mention the amazing art it produces. There’s a small catch, though. You must use only thebest kit for the best results.

And with that in mind, here are the verybest paint by numbers kits for seniors .
  1. Ledgebay Paint by Numbers - "October" - Judy Buswell Original

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The beauty of this painting is its simplicity. It doesn’t have unnecessarily many colors, which makes it perfect for seniors.

Besides, the shapes are large and easy to paint. That’s what you want inpaint by numbers kits for seniors because at that age, small shapes are just a nuisance to the eyes.

What’s included in the kit?

  • 16" x 20" pre-printed canvas, rolled to prevent wrinkles
  • Full set of acrylic paints
  • Reference drawing of the original
  • (4) Assorted sized paint brush
  1. Ledgebay Paint by Numbers - "Cosmos From The Garden" - Judy Buswell Original

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This is one of the bestpaint by numbers kits for seniors simply because of its aesthetic beauty. We all love nature, and what better way to portray it than with birds “chilling” on trees.

The bright and blue colors make for a great contrast. Yet there are only few colors, which makes it one easy painting to pull off.

What’s included in the kit?

  • 16" x 20" pre-printed Framed canvas
  • Table top Easel
  • Full set of acrylic paints
  • Reference drawing of the original
  • (4) Assorted sized paint brush
  1. Kimily Tulip Paint by Numbers Kit for Seniors 

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You can never go wrong with a Kimily art set. These tulips areacrylic masterpieces on canvas , capturing nature at its finest.

Again, the whole painting requires very few paint colors to complete you can almost count all the colors just by looking at the painting. Additionally, it doesn’t have intricate shapes that may prove tricky for the experienced hands of a senior painter. And that’s precisely what puts it among thepaint by numbers kits for seniors.

What’s included in the kit?

  1. Komking Colorful Giraffe Paint by Numbers

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The giraffepainting from Komking is rich in colors , despite the simple (mostly straight) lines to paint. It’s the best gift for an elderly painter who needs any form ofcolor therapy .

Be sure to remind them to carefully check the labels on the containers before dipping a brush. That way they won’t accidentallymix paints .

What’s included in the kit?

  1. Kimily Disney Castle Paint by Numbers Kit for Seniors 

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Does the senior in your life enjoygiving gifts ? Do they have young grandsons/daughters? You have the perfect kit for them right here.

A depiction of Disney Castle, this painting makes an excellent gift for the little ones. Once a senior has finished painting it, it will turn into a room décor for kids. Win-win-win for everyone!

What’s included in the kit?

  1. Ledgebay Day to Remember Paint by Numbers Kit for Seniors

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Ledgebay has some of the most eye-catchypaint by numbers kits for seniors. Granted, they are designed for adults; but hey, seniors are adults, right?

This particularpainting might just take your elderly painter down memory lane. Specifically, to the years when they were young adults in love. It depicts two young people enjoying the scenic view of a river while rowing a boat.

It’s one of the most detailedpaint by numbers kits on the list. Consequently, it may take some time to complete. And that makes it great for seniors who are not busy with other tasks.

What’s included in the kit?

  • 16 x 20-inch canvas
  • 4 paint brushes
  • Acrylic paints
  • Wall-mounting tools
  • Reference of painting
  • Miniature design of canvas
  1. Ledgebay Scenic Overlook Paint by Numbers

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Yet another masterpiece from Ledgebay. The many colors in the image make this one of the most detailedpaint by numbers art pieces. But the results are more than rewarding.

If your senior painter doesn’t fall in love with the sight of tourist families, they’ll thoroughly enjoy the scenic view.

What’s included in the kit?

  • 16 x 20-inch canvas
  • 4 paint brushes
  • Acrylic paints
  • Wall-mounting tools
  • Reference of painting
  • Miniature design of canvas

Paint by Numbers Buying Guide: How to Choose a Paint by Numbers Kit for Seniors

Any one of the abovekits can easily pass as the best paint by numbers kit for seniors. Therefore, feel free to pick one up and gift it to the elderly in your life.

But what exactly should you consider when buying apaint by numbers kit for seniors?


Thesurface is the material on which paint is placed. It’s basically what thepainter looks at for the entire time that he/she is painting . For that reason, you don’t want to get it wrong. Here are the things to look at:
  1. Type of surface

There are lots of materials that are used forpaint by numbers surfaces. However, the most common are watercolor paper and canvas.

Although it’s not so popular, watercolor paper makes aninteresting surface for paint by numbers artwork. It has anice texture and drag , which can result in unrivaled masterpieces. The downside is that it’s less durable than canvas.

Speaking of which,canvas is more popular because it’s easier to frame and can last for centuries. Besides, it generally looks awesome, whether it’s linen or cotton. So, if the artwork’s longevity is an important factor, you may want to go with canvas.
  1. Design

Paint by numbers surfaces are usually pre-designed with shapes. When the painter fills each shape with paint, it reveals one amazing artwork.

The design is always a mixture of various shapes in various sizes. However, a design that’s very detailed will generally feature very small shapes. That can prove tricky for seniors.

They do not have the most stable hands or perfect eyesight, which means that they’ll find it hard to paint small shapes without painting outside the borders. Hence, when buying apaint by numbers kit for seniors, opt for one that’s less detailed.
  1. Size of surface

Mostpaint by numbers kits for seniors often come with a 16 x 20-inch surface. Others are smaller than that; 14 x 11 or even smaller. Generally speaking, a small surface means that the shapes that need painting will also be very small.

Again, that may not be ideal for seniors. Because of their compromised eyesight, they will struggle topaint within the lines of small shapes. Therefore, choose acanvas that’s as big as possible. Preferably 16 x 20 or bigger.


All the bestpaint by numbers kits for seniors come with paint as part of the package. Only the cheap stuff will require you tobuy your own paint .
Side note: DO NOT buy cheappaint by numbers kits .They are not worth it .

Anyway, how do you choose the best paint for an elderly painter? Consider two things:
  1. Type of paint

You have three main options here, namely, watercolor, acrylic andoil paints . While watercolor is a great medium for producing bright art, it’s prone to color shifting (colors change when the painting dries).

Besides, its quality of transparency makes it hard to conceal the numbers that are printed on the surface.

Acrylic and oil, on the other hand, cover the surface perfectly. They are both excellent at producing rich texture and depth. And they create magnificentpaint by numbers artworks.

So, which of the two edges the other? Acrylic is slightly better than oil in this case. Why? Because it’s more durable and requires little to no maintenance. Besides, acrylic is water-based and therefore easier to clean.

You don’t want an elderly person spending many hourstrying to clean up after painting .

Want to learn more about acrylic vs.oil paintings ? Here’s amore detailed comparison .
  1. Colors of paints

Studies show that we graduallylose the ability to distinguish some colors as we grow older. For that reason, there’s a possibility that your loved one can’t differentiate between certain colors.

If that’s the case, you’ll want tochoose a kit that doesn’t have colors that will confuse them. Otherwise they might apply the wrong paint and ruin the artwork.

Start by asking them if they are blind to any colors. And then carefully browse through the availablepaint by numbers kits for seniors. Narrow down your options to kits that don’t have those “confusing” colors.


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Once again, the bestpaint by numbers kits for seniors should come with brushes included in the package. If you’re not getting brushes with the kit, then you have no business buying that kit. Now, these are the twothings to consider as far as paint by numbers brushes for seniors:
  1. Sizes

If it’s a simple painting with large shapes, then a senior painter will require at least two brushes. One is often the primarybrush and he/she will clean it before switching to a different paint . The second brush will be an extra just in case the first one frays or gets lost.

If the painting is very detailed with small shapes, your loved one will require at least three paintbrushes in different sizes. The smallest brush will come in handy when painting small shapes. Conversely, the larger ones will help with larger shapes.
  1. Quality

It’s hard to tell whether or not you’ll get good brushes inpaint by numbers kits for seniors. You kinda have to open the kit to find out.

However, you can look at user reviews of thekit to find out if its brushes are good. More often than not, suspiciously cheap kits will have poorly-made brushes whose bristles fray as soon as they come into contact with the surface. Those are the kind of kits that you want to stay away from.


The photo that’s displayed alongside apaint by numbers kit is what the painter will reproduce. Seniors being older and all need a photo that’s large, clear, and has a high resolution. That way they won’t struggle to pick out small details when looking at the image for reference.

In addition to size, clarity and resolution, there are many things to consider whenchoosing a paint by numbers image.

Kit contents and packaging

Finally, consider the extras that come with the kit.
  • Will your loved get an easel? It may be necessary if he/she will paint while seated on a stool or something similar.
  • Is the surface framed or not? If not, do you get hooks for hanging the final painting? Or perhaps hang tabs? Any of those will come in handy when you need to hang the final artwork
  • Do you also get a miniature version of the surface? The best sellers include it, not to be painted, but as a reference. Your senior painter may need it as a reference in case they wrongfully paint over numbers on the actual surface.
Keep in mind that most of these items usually up the cost of the kit. Nonetheless, the eventual price won’t be significantly high. Therefore, if they can add some convenience to a senior painter, then why not?

Check out the latest Paint By Number Designs from Ledgebay -->CLICK HERE
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